
Customer Testimonials

Proven ability to grow international sales
I am very impressed with Alan’s proven ability to grow international sales by combining Internet technology with real sales/marketing, IT, and operational know-how​.

Frank Maier, Director
Olympic & Regional Sports, Licensing & Distribution, adidas
MR International Products
I wanted to take the time to let you know how pleased our company is with our new website. The web design is fantastic and so easy to navigate. Our company has been receiving numerous compliments on our website from both consumers and current customers. Thanks for your outstanding work!

John Lawrence
MR International Products
Eberly Systems Logo
I've used multiple marketing firms in the past, and I say without hesitation that Al and his team have brought the deepest understanding, the best communication, and greatest value to my business of any marketing firm I've worked with to-date! Thanks guys!

Kordel Eberly
President, Eberly Systems LLC
Meg's Quilted Memories
Excellent service and great marketing strategies. PMI really took my business to a new level.

Maribeth Gardella
Founder, Meg's Quilted Memories
Sonny C. Charters, Inc.
My website was 10 years old and in need of an upgrade. PMI was recommended to me by Zerve, the company providing my online ticketing service. I emailed Al at PMI and immediately heard from him. Al worked closely with me on every detail, and we went live within two weeks. He also promoted my site using a press release and through search engine optimization. My website is now at the top or close to the top on every search for my type of activity. Some searches have my site completely dominating the first page. He returned every phone call and email promptly, and I couldn’t be more pleased.

Captain Sonny Compher
President, Sonny C. Charters, Inc.
Hilton Head Island, SC
Sallie Weaver Endorsement
Alan is a highly effective strategic thinker who possesses excellent technical, project management, and people skills. Due to his strategic planning, project management, and hands-on leadership style, Elite Sportswear developed our industry’s first online garment configurator, first international website, and the industry’s largest international sales force. This combination resulted in many years of explosive online and international sales growth. I highly recommend Alan to anyone looking to grow their business.

Sallie A. Weaver
President – Elite Sportswear, LP, 1981-2010
Endorsement from Professional Referral Exchange
Thank you for your enlightening presentation on Social Media Marketing — I learned a lot. You are very skilled in presenting the information.

Betty Diller
Executive Director, Professional Referral Exchange
Endorsement by American Insuring Group
Our professional website you designed is regularly bringing in new sales leads. It was a monumental task of completely redesigning our website and formulating a strategy of search engine optimization and you proved we made the right choice!

David Ross
President, American Insuring Group
Management Consultant Endorsement
Alan Robezzoli delivered a presentation on the role of social media and search engine optimization in advertising to the senior level Marketing class I teach on the Penn State Berks campus. Alan demonstrated that he is a true expert on the topic. His presentation was creative, insightful, and filled with valuable strategies and techniques for effective advertising through social media. Alan brought great value into my classroom; clearly he has tremendous value to deliver to his clients too.

Jim Shankweiler
Management Consultant, Educator
Justin Bortz Endorsement
Alan Robezzoli is a top shelf professional in his industry! I am truly blown away at how, in a very short period of time, he has taken City Charm to a much higher level. For me it looks like turning the “dimmer switch of prosperity” up a bunch of notches! I am thrilled!

Justin Bortz
Partner /Creative Director, The City Charm Company
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