It is a Monday morning. You bought your coffee at the local convenience store on your drive in to work. After checking your email, you meet with your staff to go over the issues facing your business this week. You make phone calls to clients, suppliers, and consultants.
The last thing on your mind is to check your social media and website for comments to an article you posted last week. Why bother? You have come to expect that people don’t add comments to your articles. Lately you’ve been questioning your content marketing strategy and the effort required to create original content.
However, you decide to check anyway.
You discover an authentic comment about your article submitted by someone representing another firm. It is clear from the wording of the comment that the author read your article and is responding to the thoughts you shared. This is not spam.
Think about it. What would you do?
You would want to know who the author is. You would visit their website. The business professional effectively generated traffic to their website by thoughtfully commenting on the article you wrote.
There are millions of lonely websites and social media pages on the Internet. This fact creates opportunity for you to drive traffic to your website.
Develop a plan to regularly comment on the social media pages, blogs and websites of other businesses.
Consider posting comments on the websites and blogs of the following:
What are some of the things you can comment about?
Are you discouraged by the level of traffic coming to your website? Perhaps you need to apply better and more consistent online marketing techniques. However, there is also a world of opportunity to generate traffic by “ doing unto others ” what you would have them do to you. Visit their websites and provide some encouraging feedback by commenting on their posts. Stay at it and over time it just may come back to you a hundredfold.
We can help you formulate a smart, efficient, and cost-effective online strategy to grow your business. Please Contact Us if you need assistance. The initial consultation is free for qualified customers.
60 Commerce Drive
Reading, PA 19610
(484) 297-6395
6081 Hamilton Blvd, Suite 600
Allentown, PA 18106
(484) 838-6648
A Digital Marketing Agency for Advertising, Web Design, and SEO. Our Experts are Dedicated to Growing Your Business!